
\\:++noospheric inload commencing++...

I've decided to keep my posts split up into different game systems for ease of browsing, assuming I ever amass enough posts and/or readers for that to be an issue of course.

The progress on my Explorator warband has been less than I'd hoped, the reasons why are in the other post, but I have managed to finish off the first member; Dagan-Calix 44, Logis Dataphant.

The shrivelled, half-blind remnant of his fleshface is the only remaining external sign of his baseline origins, the rest of his body entirely repurposed as a host for thousands of ultra compact meme-spindles and a powerful cogitator core.

So enhanced, he is a living reference library, capable of rapidly cross-referencing millions of datapoints to determine the STC provenance of the Archmagos' latest rediscoveries, or of sifting the datasphere of entire hive cities for new clues to help guide the next phase of their Quest.

I'm really pleased with how this chappie turned out, the whole thing having started as basically an excuse to bitz-order those lovely Helbrute heads, hah. Up next should be the Archmagos Explorator himself, Theomekhotokos, when the present Mordheim urge passes.

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