
Fiendish Ingenuity

Ahoy! Been a while. I've been going through a bit of a scatterbrain stage of late, unable to focus on any particular project for too long before I have an idea for one of the others, so I have a lot of stuff that's almost finished.

The other day though I clocked a fantastic conversion by maxxev over on Tom's Boring Mordheim Forum and it sparked one of those "holy shit..." moments where you suddenly have five ideas all at once - one of which was, of course, shamelessly ripping off the original, hah. Turns out I had most of the parts already, and I managed to score a decent deal on the necessary Island of Blood bitz, so I began work immediately and now my very own Clan Skryre Warlock-Engineer riding his Doomchair is complete, along with a pair of Assistant Engineers one with a Lightning Projector/Wrench-claw(DHW), and the other wielding a Morning Star, Warplock Repeater(ie, brace of Warplock Pistols but you only have a handful of holstered pistol bitz left :P), Poison Wind Globes, and a Gasmuzzle. If some of those don't sound familiar, that's because they're based on my own version of Clan Skryre warband rules for Mordheim which should be available in the initial playtest version fairly soon if anyone else fancies a go.

Anyway, enough talky-talky, picture time:

The Doomchair doesn't have any rules of its own, it just looks awesome, though getting it to look the right combination of rickety and functional was an interesting experience. I'll be using it to represent a Warpfuelled Exoskeleton(Heavy Armour with +1S bonus).

Also on the workbench for these guys right now is an Overseer, three Globadiers, a Stormfiend-based Rat Ogre, and a Warpgrinder weapon team. Further updates may take a while, given..."events" in Scotland at the moment.